

Your fave basics

Hi! I'm Faye, the founder and designer at Evie Joynes.

I started the brand during lockdown in 2020, when I was made redundant from my design job. I decided I didn't want to go back to designing for the high street, so I got a waitressing job and set my sewing machine up at the kitchen table. 

I'd not been feeling good about the things I was designing in my old job, and this drove me to want to do things differently, by working on a smaller scale with no mass production, and having discourse with the customer (you!) about what you really want.

It took a couple of years of experimentation before Evie took shape. I realised after lockdown, and wearing comfy clothes for so long, that I wanted to keep wearing comfy things but just have them be nicer. So I started making elevated basics, and you loved them!

I was able to quit my waitressing job in 2024 and dedicate myself to making gorgeous clothes for you, full-time! As the brand grows, the most important thing is maintaining and improving the quality of each piece, so that those of you who love your Evie pieces already will love your next piece just as much, and those who haven't shopped Evie yet will fall right in love when you do!

Thank you for being a part of the Evie journey and I hope you find something you love here!

Get in touch with me on instagram @eviejoynesstudio or faye@eviejoynes.com.

